Domestic Violence - Helplines & Support​

Who is this for?​

Women who are faced with physical, sexual, emotional, psychological and economic abuse, irrespective of age, class, caste, education status, marital status, race and culture.

Such women are considered ‘aggrieved women’ under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 (DV Act). Domestic Violence can take place in public, private spaces and the workplace.


The information provided by POSHequili in the below are exhaustive lists. These provide various government and other relevant helpline numbers. It also includes contact details of Protection Officers, Service Providers and One Stop Centres.

We hope that the below lists provide ease of access to domestic violence survivors in a situation where they may need to call out for help, intervention, guidance or psychological assistance for themselves or their near and dear ones.

Protection Officers

The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 (DV Act) mandates different stakeholders to provide legal, logistical and psychological recourse for aggrieved women who have faced domestic violence. The stakeholders mentioned under the DV Act are Protection Officers and Service Providers. There also exist ‘One stop centers’ which have been established under the National Mission for Empowerment of Women, for integrated support system for women affected by violence.

Protection Officers is a special post created under the DV Act. They are appointed by the State governments to serve as a liaison, to ease the process, and assist aggrieved woman to navigate the complexities that may arise while attempting to approach courts, the police and various support service.

Disclaimer: In spite of us meticulous care and research, it is a possibility that certain information or contact details, etc provided can be subject to various changes. These changes could be a result of amendments in laws, notifications, circulars, policies which are notified or regulated by various government, legal authorities; changes in real time contact information or phone numbers, email IDs etc of various stakeholders are mentioned above. While the above-mentioned list is provided in good faith and with noble intentions POSHequili does not claim any responsibility in case the assistance or help provided by any of the above stakeholders does not meet the expectations of the person reaching out. POSHequili also does not have any monetary, social, legal affiliations or interests with any of the above-mentioned stakeholders.

Helpline Numbers

This database provides knowledge of the numbers to call in case of emergency. It also provides awareness about institutes and organisations having rescue and intervention mechanism in place. These can be of key importance when stuck in a situation of helplessness.

To expedite and simplify the process even further, we have collated helpline numbers at the National and State Government levels. This also includes direct contact details by various State Police Administrations and Non-Government Organisations (NGOs).
The exhaustive list of domestic violence helpline numbers provided can be utilized for varied purposes by or on behalf of aggrieved women, such as medical facilities, psychological help, shelter homes and legal assistance, etc.

Disclaimer: In spite of our meticulous care and research, it is a possibility that certain information or contact details, etc provided can be subject to various changes. These changes could be a result of amendments in laws, notifications, circulars, policies which are notified or regulated by various government, legal authorities; changes in real time contact information or phone numbers, email IDs etc of various stakeholders are mentioned above. While the above-mentioned list is provided in good faith and with noble intentions POSHequili does not claim any responsibility in case the assistance or help provided by any of the above stakeholders does not meet the expectations of the person reaching out. POSHequili also does not have any monetary, social, legal affiliations or interests with any of the above-mentioned stakeholders.

One Stop Centers

One stop centres are meant to support women affected by violence including domestic violence.  Aggrieved women are to be facilitated with support and redressal at these centres. The idea behind these centres is to provide integrated support and assistance to women affected by under one roof.  These centres facilitate immediate, emergency and non-emergency access to a range of services including medical, legal, psychological and counselling support under one roof to fight against any forms of violence against women.

Disclaimer: In spite of us meticulous care and research, it is a possibility that certain information or contact details, etc provided can be subject to various changes. These changes could be a result of amendments in laws, notifications, circulars, policies which are notified or regulated by various government, legal authorities; changes in real time contact information or phone numbers, email IDs etc of various stakeholders are mentioned above. While the above-mentioned list is provided in good faith and with noble intentions POSHequili does not claim any responsibility in case the assistance or help provided by any of the above stakeholders does not meet the expectations of the person reaching out. POSHequili also does not have any monetary, social, legal affiliations or interests with any of the above-mentioned stakeholders. 

Service Providers

Service providers are entities/ persons who are empanelled by State governments under the DV Act. Their role is to guide and provide, the aggrieved women with medical facilities, legal aid, financial, temporary shelters or other emergency or rehabilitative measures. 

Disclaimer: In spite of us meticulous care and research, it is a possibility that certain information or contact details, etc provided can be subject to various changes. These changes could be a result of amendments in laws, notifications, circulars, policies which are notified or regulated by various government, legal authorities; changes in real time contact information or phone numbers, email IDs etc of various stakeholders are mentioned above. While the above-mentioned list is provided in good faith and with noble intentions POSHequili does not claim any responsibility in case the assistance or help provided by any of the above stakeholders does not meet the expectations of the person reaching out. POSHequili also does not have any monetary, social, legal affiliations or interests with any of the above-mentioned stakeholders.