“When it comes to abuse, you believe there’s no way out. There is always help. There is always a way out.”
― Rev. Donna Mulvey.
Handling Employee Grievances
Statistics show that the victims and perpetrators of domestic violence come from all and every walks of life, strata or segment of the society. There is no specific law in India yet, levying any specific liability on organizations to prevent or redress domestic violence, however it cannot be ruled out that every organization can have stakeholders (more specifically employees) as victims / perpetrators of domestic violence.
Many organizations, have conflicted views on having process / protocols against domestic violence by or on their employees; the predominant reason which is cited is privacy i.e. concerns which arise between intimate partners.
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Formulating / Amending Policies & Processes
However, 21% of full-time employed adults said they were victims of domestic violence and 74% of them said they were harassed at work. Over 80% of persons who experience domestic violence report that their work performance was negatively affected. The Department of Labor (USA) reported that domestic violence victims lose nearly 8 million days of paid work per year, resulting in $1.8 billion loss in productivity for employers.
As a result, various global organizations including a few Indian organizations have been making amends in their internal policies or introducing policies to address these issues. We assist organizations in planning steps to mitigate / deal with domestic violence.